A Delicious Organic & Sparkling Soda
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We are driven by and for small communities. Llama Mama sources from local farmers, and we are committed to protecting Peru's biodiversity and native food knowledge.
The Sparkling Beverage Market is Booming!
Competitive Landscape
Traction to date: 600+ cases sold to retailers
6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease
- Soft drinks contribute to 46% of all sugar intake in the U.S.
- 34 million Americans have diabetes
- 1 in 4 deaths in the U.S. are caused by cardiovascular disease
- 65 million Americans have gastrin diseases.
Llama Mama has the opportunity to be the only widely distributed beverage sweetened exclusively with yacón syrup. This unique Peruvian superfood FOS (fructooligosaccharides) is a prebiotic fiber that is both low in calories and promotes gut health.
Peruvian Superfoods!
Camu camu is a vitamin C superstar—that’s right, move over oranges! Llama Mama harnesses camu camu’s tart and tangy extract in our soda, which is a sweet and simple way to get 200% of your daily recommended value of vitamin C. This tiny, yet mighty fruit supplies an army of antioxidants to help fight free radicals. It’s also super hydrating, so drink up!
Yacón is the sweetheart of root vegetables! Native to South America, yacón has been adding sweetness to our diets for centuries. Since it’s naturally low-glycemic and high in fiber, we use yacón syrup to help you quit artificial flavors, feel fuller, and support healthy digestion (without any of the aftertaste or added sugar)!
Be Part of Our Vision!
Join us in transforming the beverage industry with Llama Mama. Together, we can create a healthier future by bringing the power of Peruvian superfoods to the beverage market. Our team is eager to share our vision and explore partnerships to deliver a sustainable, delicious, and impactful solution in the functional health beverage space.